- Coeliac Disease
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Functional gut concerns including bloating and/or constipation and food intolerances
- Improving gut health as a result of gastro concerns
- Nutrient deficiencies especially in relation to Coeliac Disease and IBD
- Eosinophilic oesophagitis
- Gastric motility disorders such as Gastroparesis
- Disordering eating in relation to GIT symptoms
- Diet post surgery such as complex resections, ileostomy and J pouch
- Complex GIT issues with malabsorption issues
- Dietary assistance pre, during and post cancer treatments
- Nutrition Support (unintentional weight loss)
- Enteral nutrition support (NGT, PEG, PEJ, JEJ enteral nutrition)
This is a specialist service focusing on gastrointestinal conditions and unfortunately does not offer services for conditions/assistance with:
- Bariatric surgery (pre and post) unless under the care of specialist who Paula collaborates with
- Diabetes management
- General weight management
- Food Allergies
- Complex Eating Disorders
- Pre-Pregnancy or Pregnancy
- Cardiovascular Disease
- High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol management
If you are struggling to find someone in this space Paula is happy to make recommendations.